Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day Wyndham

Today we arrived in Western Australia.
We left the Zebra mine, went back along the rough dirt road and back to the highway.
After a few kms we arrived at the border. WA is very fussy about fruit and veg being taken into their state, so the few things we hadn't eaten we left in a box at the zebra mine for people heading east to take! The quarantine officer at the border looked in the boot of the car, and we had to wind Rosie up far enough for him to look in the fridge....all was ok so we continued on to Lake Argyle.
 It's a very beautiful place...more water than Sydney harbour, but only about 3% is used...unbelievable when the Ord River Dam was built in the 60s/70s. We visited an old homestead which had been moved stone by stone to higher ground because of the area being flooded when the dam was built. It seems to be more of a tourist destination now than what its original purpose was, to irrigate the land and grow crops. There are boat cruises and flights over the, money, money!! We were happy to take a few shots and move on.
We drove on to Kununurra where we had a picnic lunch in a lovely park with Celebrity Trees.
Various trees had been planted over the years by celebrities, and they were all labelled...a bit like a botanic garden.
After lunch we decided to drive on to Wyndham. We found a great little caravan park with lots of shady trees....and tons of birds!

There's a donkey that wanders around this caravan park, poking his nose into caravan doors and sniffing around tables where people are preparing meals....
every so often he lets out a huge eee-awww

1 comment:

  1. That donkey is gorgeous! The last pic is absolutely stunning, the colour of the water is so beautiful.. Can't wait to see this part of the world for myself! xxx
